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Re: Bon Voyage, Slave Leia

PostPosted: Thu Nov 05, 2015 8:32 pm
by packerbacker180
Yeah, that Black Series didn't sell at all. Funny thing, we went to Disney World in August, and the really big Disney Store in Downtown Disney had a shelf of about 30 Black Series figures. Got really excited until I went through them and found they were all slave Leia. It's a pretty poorly made figure, and I can see why it wouldn't have cross-appeal for parents to buy their kids. I was excited when it was announced for the line, but I kind of went the cinnabuns Leia now.

Re: Bon Voyage, Slave Leia

PostPosted: Thu Nov 05, 2015 9:26 pm
by Idiot Savant
Agreed that was a poor figure...mine is cross eyed and way too short but it is what it is, I guess...besides those BS SW Leia's are now going for $30-$60 on eBay; so SOMEone is buying them! Haha

Re: Bon Voyage, Slave Leia

PostPosted: Sat Nov 07, 2015 1:40 pm
by packerbacker180
Really? I could probably get 10 of them at my local Kmarts for under $20 right now.

Re: Bon Voyage, Slave Leia

PostPosted: Sat Nov 07, 2015 10:05 pm
by Idiot Savant
Then you had better grab them and hoard them PB....Heard Hasbro has asked retailers to pull and return all Slave Leia's...

Re: Bon Voyage, Slave Leia

PostPosted: Sun Nov 08, 2015 11:45 am
by Ken Davis
Idiot Savant wrote:Then you had better grab them and hoard them PB....Heard Hasbro has asked retailers to pull and return all Slave Leia's...

Not surprised that Hasbro would recall the figures--the peg-warming is outright embarrassing. I assume that because of tsunami of other Force Awakens product coming, that clearing Leia off the shelves will nudge retailers and consumers to move the new product again.
One thing though, this doesn't do female action figure in general any favours--because it's more "ample evidence" that they just don't sell. Other lines like Marvel do female characters, but they also short-pack them, and they STILL peg-warm.
Hellcats and Spider-Women abound on the shelves still.

Just an aside though.........something that irks me a bit on this matter:

There are.......voices out there who criticize the toy industry and retailers that they don't represent female characters enough--they say they cannot find these characters in the stores.

I'm scratching my heads on this because I have no trouble finding these female characters at retail.

Re: Bon Voyage, Slave Leia

PostPosted: Sun Nov 08, 2015 12:45 pm
by packerbacker180
I was hoping Kmart would have a 50% off clearance sale soon (or better) because Kmarts idea of clearance is marking $21.99 Slave Leia all the way down to $20.49. I know, I get that they'll eventually have a 30% off or 50% additional throughout the year, but they weren't yesterday. Maybe I'll pick up a couple just to see where the price goes. Was hoping to get them cheap down the line, and Greedos, and Hans, Bikers and a Jabba.

I always hate hearing the 'boys don't want female action' figures for an Adult Collector line. I think the problem with Hellcat and Spiderwoman is that they share the same BAF piece so thrifty collectors might be passing on one. I think Slave Leia didn't sell because it's a pretty awful looking figure all around. I always thought something cool like a Build-an-Ewok wave would help sell the pegwarmers. Certainly, Leia wasn't any worse the young Obi-Wan. And I'm sure when Rogue comes out she'll have no problem selling. A lot of people might just not care or know much about someone like Hellcat.

Re: Bon Voyage, Slave Leia

PostPosted: Sun Nov 08, 2015 1:56 pm
by Ken Davis
A Build-an-Ewok=CLAN offering would ( imo) go over huge. Every 6" figure in the wave comes with a DIFFERENT Ewok--since they are small enough that they would be sized about the size of most BAF parts anyway. And army-builder characters would have paint variant persons of their included Ewoks, to entice buyers to get extras. Why not, right?? Alas, too logical a thing for Hasbro and retailers to do.

The female characters thing is always a puzzle to me. The hue and cry for such figures is always defeated by the simple fact that when they appear, they almost always do not sell.....or do not sell very well.
Remember Black Window from Winter Soldier? Hard to find??
Not up here, not anymore. She appeared in a stocking in a drug store chain up here, and then.........other retailers that can older stock got her as well. But that is the "logistics" of selling a female character.
Hellcat is a good example of a two-strike figure........a female character AND a character that was not seen a lot of print in comics in, well, roughly 40 years. She's a long-time Marvel character, but anyone under 30 can be ( almost) excused for not having heard of her if they've only been really comics for the last 20 yrs. That is kind of the risk with properties like Marvel, with an extensive character catalogue.
You start scrapping the sides of it, and maybe the bottoms and you get some ( what some CONSIDER) obscure characters.
Old-time reader will know them, but just what kind of demographic are they??? <shrugs>

Re: Bon Voyage, Slave Leia

PostPosted: Sun Nov 08, 2015 2:27 pm
by Doctor Fate
Poor Action Figure for Slave Leia ... I wouldn't buy them for a penny!

Re: Bon Voyage, Slave Leia

PostPosted: Sun Nov 08, 2015 9:13 pm
by Idiot Savant
Such a great idea be all over those Ewoks if they did that

Re: Bon Voyage, Slave Leia

PostPosted: Sun Nov 08, 2015 9:50 pm
by packerbacker180
It makes too much sense. No way I'd pay $20 for one Ewok, but if you split the pieces up amongst a wave of 4 or even 3 with an extra Troop builder that doesn't include a piece, it'd be perfect. And there's no shortage of Ewoks to make, so it could go on for a while. And who'd complain about building Ewoks? Hasbro already has a precedence with smaller BAFs with Rocket and Hit Monkey. C'mon, Hasbro!