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Rise of the TMNT series/figures

PostPosted: Tue Feb 27, 2018 4:54 pm
by Webslinger
I am still on the fence about this new series and the direction they are taking with Raphael as the leader of the group. Also the designs are totally what you would not expect from the turtles either. Who knows maybe this new design and storyline will work... or maybe not lol

Re: Rise of the TMNT series/figures

PostPosted: Wed Feb 28, 2018 4:51 am
by AcidDragon
Yeah, I dunno. I'm not really into the way these guys look here. Almost reminds me of those Don and Leatherhead comics by Archie from way back in the 90s.

Re: Rise of the TMNT series/figures

PostPosted: Fri Mar 02, 2018 1:23 am
by Webslinger
Not digging the looks and apparently April is now no longer a white girl, and the Turtles look more like frogs than turtles or am I wrong?

Re: Rise of the TMNT series/figures

PostPosted: Fri Mar 02, 2018 6:57 am
by Avalon
Not really sure about these guys but then again I was not really sure about the last series and that turned out pretty good. Maybe we will be lucky again. I think its silly to change April's race but maybe that is just me. To me they could just as easily made a brand new character who is non-white and well developed and we would care about that character, too. I want to see more diverse characters as much as anyone but not at the expense of characters I am already familiar with being a certain way just like when I found out that William Fichtner was going to be Shredder in the movie but thankfully that was a red herring but point is that it isn't that I don't want to see non white characters. I just don't want them to drastically change my favorite characters. I think I said enough about this topic. Its uncomfortable now. lol.

Re: Rise of the TMNT series/figures

PostPosted: Sun Mar 04, 2018 3:25 am
by secondwhiteline
Eh, it's a new continuity, and April's been subject to a lot of change. Last series she was a teen herself, and now she's a black teen. The thing about adding new diversity characters is that they have to provide something unique to the character dynamic or else they're just not going to get used much and it ends up a wasted effort. So I can understand changing a preexisting character, especially since there's just not much room in a Ninja Turtles series for new major characters. You spend the first season establishing the Turtles again for young kids watching for the first time, and then you start adding new characters but there's already a continuity and ongoing storylines and by the time you have room to really establish a new diversity character, Nick wants another reboot. So why not? April's not a character who really came from a specific background. Her primary character trait seems to be the color yellow.

Not a fan of the art style on this one or the likelihood that it's gonna be super cheap Flash animation, but it might be fun. The most recent series was. April looks like the coolest part, actually.